John was a frustrated business professional weary of watching others break the rules to get ahead and being handsomely rewarded while he seemed to be working hard while getting nowhere fast. John had a plan, but needed someone with the right connections to pull it off. John knew just the person to reach out to in the form of his former high school classmate, Randi, who was married to an older man who happened to be a billionaire. Randi and her group of influential women friends had the contacts John required to get his business off the ground. With Randi’s help John discovered two common motivating factors among that group of women who, by design, were all married to very wealthy older men and those were a desire for financial independence and self-respect. John and his group of beautiful trophy wives put a plan into action that satisfied the needs of two groups seeking satisfaction of seemingly dissimilar desires. One group was seeking unique experiences of a carnal nature not available to everyone, although with complete secrecy, and the other group was comprised of fame seekers who desired the ability to pursue their dreams without desperation leaving them open to exploitation. John bridged the gap between those groups by creating an exclusive club that allowed members access to unique delights willingly provided by providers who possessed a modicum of fame and exclusivity, although for a hefty price. The Platinum P Club was expensive, exclusive and limited in membership, but it was also very clandestine.
*Membership Fee Required*
Ensconced within the country club set of Dallas, Texas, under John’s leadership, a group of trophy wives carved out their individual empowerment in spite of prenuptial agreements as a means of future independence. Unforeseen circumstances took them on detours that led to debauchery, death, and mental meltdown while their neglectful wealthy husbands were oblivious about their activities. The route they took to gain personal enrichment exploited the depravity, ambition and greed of others. Ranging from Dallas to Las Vegas, the piney woods of East Texas to the blue waters of the Caribbean, The Platinum P Club put a new spin on the meanings of times-haring and network sales. Exclusivity has both a price and a cost.
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This is the account of my personal novel coronavirus pandemic and each of us has our version. I chronicled my actions and thoughts as time progressed while it became clear that this was the most serious health crisis of our lifetimes. Then as events unfolded it became clear to me that our situation in the United States was somewhat unique and likely made worse due to incompetence, inaction and delays cause by our political leadership. The United States was virtually shut down in an attempt to slow the spread of this new virus that caused a disease called COVID-19 with no treatments or vaccine available. With our economy shut down, unemployment soaring and millions of Americans living under mandatory stay-at-home orders, I decided to chronicle what my pandemic was like now. Some say it is not the time to look backwards, but to look forward, but if I do not survive this then I will never have my say, so I’m doing it now!
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The unexpected novel coronavirus pandemic has turned our world upside down. There are many ways to approach how to get through something of this nature, but this is what I am doing. Most of my actions are simple and others may choose to do something completely different. Questions like, why are they using self-checkout lines and beginning with a full tank of fuel in their vehicle prompted me to write this piece. Surface touch reduction is a large part of what I’m trying to achieve along with maintaining my sealed envelopes, but some other interesting aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic also came to light. Be safe out there.
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A young Black man, Darian Thompson, returned from college to his parents’ home situated on a quiet street while he attempted to find suitable employment that matched his degree and skills. A simple trip to the corner mailbox led to a chance encounter with his older White neighbor, Lisa, who was once his babysitter. Unbeknownst to Darian, Lisa was now divorced. After a brief discussion, Lisa discovered Darian’s computer skills and enlisted his services for a business project she was envisioning. Little did Darian know that his unexpected meeting with his next door neighbor would lead to him becoming much more involved with Lisa than simply building a website for her and their relationship would take him in directions he never imagined.
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On February 15, 2019 President Donald J Trump declared a national emergency along the southern border of the United States that it shares with Mexico. The President said dangerous caravans of foreigners were advancing on the United States with bad intentions including spreading drugs, crime and transporting women bound with tape in the back of vehicles. President Trump said he needed to build a wall to protect us from the invading hoard. This is one man’s diary of how he survived the first five days of this crisis.
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Racial tensions in the United States were simmering and in June of 2018 they boiled over as images began to flow out of the United States of America showing migrant children separated from their parents at the southwestern border confined within metal cages per orders from the President of the United States. Outrage exploded within the United States and around the world, but some were supportive of the migrant family separation policy and fully backed President Trump’s tough immigration stance. The migrant family separation crisis was completely manufactured by the President and another in a long line of intentionally created racial and cultural firestorms from the Muslim ban to kneeling football players, but that was the point, massive distractions to mask a carefully thought out plan, White reparations.
The election of Donald Trump was based upon a multiple layered coalition of people desperate for better jobs, those voting their political party line and others attracted to the racist tinge of his message. Anger existed within a segment of the American population that felt marginalized because others had risen at their expense and they wanted conditions reversed to the state when they were on top by default. Those demanding that America be made great again, even if it meant pushing minorities, immigrants and women to the back of the line, wanted payback. Once Trump took office, the real work began to extract reparations and funnel wealth to those deserving to have their rightful perch at the top of the socioeconomic heap, but it was not going where those shouting at his rallies thought when they voted for him.
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Ashley Riley was a woman who knew what she liked and she preferred her men Black. Ashley’s choice in romantic partners was not something that happened overnight, but developed over the course of her life as she matured from a child into a young woman. Ashley didn’t run into the arms of Black men, but she was pushed through rejection from those of her own kind.
Ashley rose from a child living in a rundown mobile home in a field to her new life looking out over downtown Dallas from a window in her high rise condominium. Facing rejection as a child from those deeming her to be unworthy of their friendship because they considered her to be White trash, Ashley found acceptance from a Black classmate who became her best friend. Ashley assimilated into the African American culture and eventually fell into relationships with Black men, but all did not go smoothly.
Given the racial attitudes prevalent in the area she grew up in, Ashley kept her associations with her Black friends a secret, even from her parents, until she meet James Thomas in college. James was Ashley’s first true love and the first Black man she introduced to her parents, but after college they parted ways. Fate and circumstances would bring them together years later after heartbreak and they didn’t waste a second chance at love. Love, marriage and a child followed.
In the midst of the most blissful period of their lives an unimaginable tragedy struck like a bolt of lightning that changed their world forever.
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Stay woke! The United States is going through one of the most gut wrenching times in the nation’s political history. Watergate led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon, but what the nation is enduring now is unique. Donald Trump was elected President of the United States and within short order the country was embroiled in constant turmoil.
Russia interfered in the 2016 U S Presidential election by stealing information from Hillary Clinton’s campaign and using it to damage her candidacy. Multiple investigations were opened into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election including any possible collusion between the Russians and Trump's team.
Donald Trump took several actions including firing the FBI director who was leading an ongoing investigation into the Trump team. Trump later disclosed secrets to Russians in the Oval Office and possibly asked the FBI director to halt an ongoing investigation into fired National Security Advisor , General Michael Flynn who spoke to Russians about sanction imposed by President Obama and lied about it. Trump is fast tracking hi sway to destruction and like how everything move at an accelerated pace compared to the 1970s. Trump is like Nixon on steroids and a Special Council is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 U S Presidential Election and possible coordination with the Trump team.
Questions of possible obstruction of justice and impeachment were raised, but even in the midst of continuing turmoil, changes were being made that negatively affected the lives of ordinary Americans for the worst!
Stay woke!
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There is a crisis in the United States that exploded during the summer of 2016. Levels of distrust between the Black community and Police community seemed to spiral out of control. Two separate events, one in Minnesota and one in Baton Rouge, Louisiana that resulted in the deaths of two Black men at the hands of police officers seemed to be the straw that broke the camels back. Protests erupted nationwide. During one of those protests frustration transitioned in deadly violence after the end of a peaceful demonstration when a man armed with an assault style rifle unleashed death in Downtown Dallas, Texas. Five policemen were killed and several other injured, including protesters by his gunfire. A few days later another lone gunman traveled hundreds of miles to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the city where a black man was killed by police earlier, and killed three policemen. Other incidents were to come. It seemed that a level of mutual anxiety and fear had build up between the police and Black communities had developed and it has to be resolved.
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Tameka's happy marriage to Terrance unexpectedly explodes when she confronts him with information he didn't know she had. They have an intense face-off that ends in a shocking manner. In a fit of anger Terrence tells Tameka that the best she can expect out of life as a baby mama is to be a man's other woman.
Tameka is suddenly thrown back into life as a single mother raising three children on her own. While still fighting the stereotypes attached to being an unwed mother, a man comes into her life that she never expected.
Every time happiness seems to be within Tameka's reach a ghost from her past comes back to haunt her. Refusing to give up, Tameka tries to rebuild her life with the help of her best friend Lindsay. Can Tameka overcome the setbacks dealt to her and find happiness again?
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A small-town pregnant teenager was thrown out and disowned by her family because they could not tolerate the thought of who the father of her unborn child was, but she was taken in by her best friend's family. Later, the two young women struck out for the big city and found that life was far harsher than they imagined.
Lindsay Wilson was determined to survive and did what it took to support her family, even if some called her a THOT baby mama because of her profession, but she was hiding a secret about her child's father that would shock the nation when it came to light. The revelation of the identity of the father of Lindsay's child led to pain, death and renewal.
Lindsay refused to be defined by the view others had of her and cut her own path in the world.
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The Presidential election of 2016 was unlike anything the United States had ever seen before.
The Presidential campaign between Trump and Hillary Clinton was vicious and divisive. The campaign was personal and at times vulgar. Trump advocated a ban on Muslims entering the country and ejecting 11 million undocumented immigrants by force if necessary during the campaign. Trump prevailed in the Electoral College while losing the popular vote by over 2.8 million votes. Trump won by appealing to White working class voters and won key Rust Belt states. Trump’s surprise win left over half the country in bitter shock and fear. Trump then selected a group of billionaires and multimillionaires as staff and cabinet heads including a booster of the alt right. With Russian cyber hacking the Democrats in an attempt to help Trump win as a backdrop, the United States may have began a period of Plutocracy and Apartheid under a new Trump Presidency.
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An unassuming man named Chris encounters various individuals during the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. After being both disappointed and encouraged by the actions of those he encountered, Chris sets events in motion that shock the world.
Eight months ago twenty five year old Ravon Prior didn’t have to tell his mother that he was involved in a torrid sexual relationship with then forty four year old Quinella Jordan, his best friend’s mother, because she caught them in the act. All these months later Ravon thought it was just a onetime fling between him and Quinella until she called him while he was at home in Chicago. At Ravon’s urging, Quinella auditioned for a singing competition television show and won. Quinella was coming to Chicago to perform and emotions began to stir in Ravon that he had buried since their first unlikely connection. Quinella invited Ravon to travel to London with her and they unleashed passion that spanned a continent, ocean and a generation. How would Ravon and Quinella handle a relationship that could rip their families and friendships apart?
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Standing in the shadow of Dr. King’s thirty foot tall image in Washington D.C caused me to ponder the question of what would Dr. King think about Black America today, 46 years after his death? We have an African American President living two miles from his national memorial while there are more Blacks in prison than any other race in the United States. Individuals of all races are marching in protest of unarmed black men dying at the hands of police officers. Protestors carry signs saying “Black Lives Matter” while young Black men kill each other more than any other group in poverty stricken urban areas. What Would Dr. King Think about today’s Black America and what would he want us to do about it?
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Anthony Jones was recently divorced after his twenty two year long marriage ended and he had admired Vanessa Allen when she walked by him on a beach for three days in a row. On the third day two young men began to harass Vanessa and called her a term Anthony was unfamiliar with, THOT. Anthony confronted the men and they backed down. Vanessa thanked Anthony and explained to him that thot meant, that hoe over there. Vanessa said she was just coming off a five year failed relationship. Separated by over ten years in age, Anthony and Vanessa struck up a relationship that needed to overcome several obstacles, including Anthony’s ex-wife Dominique who became an unexpected rival having second thoughts about seeing her long-time love move on to another woman. Was Vanessa really that hoe over there or was she the woman Anthony needed to move on with his life.
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A possible gateway level Ebola outbreak event for the United States occurred at over 20,000 feet above the earth when billionaire businessman, Brad Johnson hired a young woman named Grace along with two of her friends to entertain Chad and nine other selected employees in his private jet. Brad didn't know that Grace’s body was harboring a deadly secret. Once Grace’s condition was known, a massive public health crisis ensued. When asked how this occurred, Brad answered in his medical isolation room, "We were just partying with Grace." Then the question was could the nation recover from one man’s mistake.
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Ramesha Nelson was a woman on a mission and it was to make a wealthy man pay for at least eighteen years if she caught him slipping after luring him into her pleasure trap. All Ramesha needed was to get the right man in the wrong situation. Most men of means were wise to the game of a scheming woman trying to come up financially by dipping into his gene pool by playing the baby mama game. Ramesha rolled the dice and thought she had hit the jackpot when potential first round professional basketball draft pick, Davon Jackson, walked into a club while she was sitting at the bar. Was Davon prepared to emerge unscathed after an intense intimate encounter with Ramesha or did her risky plan to overcome any obstacle to soothe her emotional scars by making some man pay for her treatment by another that she thought loved her? Ramesha does something so low and ratchet to Davon to reach her goal that even she can’t believe she was capable of such an action in hindsight? Did Ramesha get what she wanted or did she only think she achieved her goal until something came to her attention that changed her life forever?
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What would you do to live forever? Billionaire technology tycoon, Daniel Grayson, is dying from terminal cancer, but he thinks he has invented a way to live beyond the death of his physical body. Daniel invented liquid memory and with the help of his friend, brilliant brain surgeon, Mitchell Grayson , they believe they can duplicate and move the human mind to a new body and brain. There is only one problem, the mind transfer requires a healthy living body with a viable brain and the only way to secure those is to take them from someone else. Men play God when they decide whose life should end as they know it so that they and their wives, Amy and Shelia, can continue to live beyond the grave. Even everlasting life is not enough as petty human failings of lust, greed and ambition cause them to turn on each other. Does anyone survive when men that don’t have to die decide that some of them have become impediments to reaching larger goals that are at best, reprehensible in nature?
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Tasha Johnson and Latavia Taylor lived in a secluded area in southern Dallas until two new neighbors built homes adjacent to theirs. Amber Watkins was a woman in her twenties that was a former side piece to married professional athletes and other wealthy men with wives. Tanesha Green-Johnson, a model, was once featured on the front cover of a national magazine as the Planet’s Most Beautiful Woman. Both women aroused concern from Latavia and Tasha in regards to any interest they might have in their pro football player and mega church pastor husbands respectively. Amber arranged a surprise trip to Las Vegas as a bonding experience for her new neighbors and invited her ratchet friends Laticia and Shequilla. The Las Vegas trip causes these women to cross all types of boundaries that could rip their marriages apart if discovered. Before the trip was even planned, Tasha and Latavia caught their new neighbor in the act with a professional basketball player during a housewarming party and that kicked of the relationships between these Unreal Housewives of South Dallas.
To catch up on Tasha read: The Pastor’s Lover 1, 2, 3 and The Pastor’s Lover 4: The Pastor’s Wife 4
To catch up on Latavia read: The Pastor’s Wife 1, 2, 3 and The Pastor’s Lover 4: The Pastor’s Wife 4
To catch up on Amber read: Side Piece and Side Piece 2 – Amber Alarm
To catch up on Tanesha read: Pretty for a Dark Skinned Woman
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Roland “Gut Bucket” Johnson walked into a church and stopped his own funeral with a copy of his obituary in his hand. Roland walked out with his formerly grieving wife, Velma, in his arms. Roland was a throwback of a man, hard drinking, hard fighting and woman chasing. Although they loved each other, neither Roland or Velma expected each other to be faithful if they were apart for long periods of time, but Roland had a special problem resisting tasting the fruits of ratchet women regardless of their or his marital status. Roland decided he needed to confront the demons that chased him. Roland came to a crossroads where his future, present and past all caught up with him at the same time. Emotions were raw, anger exploded and blood was shed in an exhibition of sudden violence. Would Roland “Gut Bucket“ Johnson survive because death would visit as men fought for their lives and future?
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In the joint fourth installment of the popular “The Pastor’s Lover” and “The Pastor’s Wife” series, both couples came together in an explosive fashion. Pastor Kendrick Johnson and his wife Tasha welcomed Quinton Taylor and his wife Latavia as new members of Higher Calling Church about a year earlier. The two power couples comprised of a mega church pastor and his wife and a young professional football player and his older former pastor’s wife became good friends. They decided to embark on a couples’ cruise and things took an unbelievable turn that changed their lives forever. Shame, guilt and deceit threatened to tear them and their marriages apart. With the crisis seemingly over, circumstances forced everything into the light of day once they were back home. If what took place reached the media, then their lives as they knew it would be over. Can they survive the shocking secrets that are revealed in a most unusual fashion?
Catch up with what has gone on with the Johnsons by reading – The Pastor’s Lover 1, 2 and 3
Catch up with what has gone on with the Taylors by reading – The Pastor’s Wife 1, 2 and 3
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“She’s pretty for a dark skinned girl” was just one of the things Tanesha Green heard said about her when she was growing up. At the age of twenty years old, Tanesha found herself in a position she never expected to be in when she was seemingly plucked out of nowhere and selected to appear on the cover of a national magazine as the Planet’s Most Beautiful Woman. Tanesha found herself thrust into the middle of a national and international debate on beauty, color and discrimination. Tanesha also met the love of her life, but she was hiding secrets and secrets had been withheld from her. Everything exploded into the light of day and could ruin Tanesha’s personal and family life because she discovered what she believed to be true her whole life was a lie.
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Kristin Johnson was a great actress, but she was distraught. Kristin was told she didn’t have the face to be a leading lady in film despite her obvious talent. Kristin was blessed with a body other women prayed for, but in her personal life she was crushed to discover a man she loved once held a contest that crowned her “Ms. Butterface”, as in everything is great about Kristin, but her face, without her knowledge. Kristin made a painful decision to alter her appearance and it changed her life and career, but she unexpectedly did something that shocked the world and sparked a worldwide discussion about what constitutes a healthy self image, imposed standards of beauty and talent. Could a woman called "less pretty" become a success in Hollywood in a business that ran on unrealistic perceptions of beauty and often placed style above substance?
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Someone in high school always had a mother that drove the teenage boys wild and in Derrick Lacy’s school it was Janice Thompson. Janice was the mother of his childhood friend Keisha, who was a cheerleader. All the other boys would ask who Janice was when she came to sporting events and Derrick would tell them she was Keisha’s mama. The other boys would respond with, "Keisha’s Mama Is So Fine." Sixteen years later Derrick found himself in a most unusual situation with Janice who was a still beautiful fifty year old woman and he was a thirty-three year old man. As they looked into each others’ eyes would they cross that line that would transform Janice from being his childhood friend Keisha’s mother into his adult lover?
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Patricia Franklin’s granddaughter unexpectedly dropped in on her and caught Patricia making love with a thirty-year old man. Patricia reinvented herself at the age of fifty six after her husband of thirty seven years left her for a younger woman. Urged by her good friend Jana, Patricia reclaimed her life and sexuality while demonstrating how active and sensual a mother and grandmother could be. Determined to not be defined by society’s view of what’s proper for a woman her age to be involved in from a relationship and sexual standpoint, Patricia broke all the rules. Patricia is one grandmother that it may be wise to call ahead before just dropping by, because she may be busy doing something other than just knitting.
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Alan thought there was nothing sexier than a very mature woman bound with his colorful plaid neckties as he took her to new sexual heights. Fifty-five year old Alan Larson was a vibrant man with a hobby of collecting plaid neckties. Allen didn’t wear his neckties, but he creatively used them to enhance his sexual encounters with women. After getting settled in his new home in Blissful Boulders, a master planned community for individuals aged fifty five years and older, Alan began his quest to bring carnal excitement to select mature women in the neighborhood. Two women, Melissa and Joyce became the first to experience Alan’s adventurousness with his vibrant neckwear. Alan introduced Mellissa and Joyce to sexual pleasures they had never experienced before while bound with his plaid neckties. Alan’s adventures led to unexpected pairings, broke new sexual boundaries and caused a trip to the emergency room. Would Alan survive his quest to lead mature women to new sexual horizons with him serving as their tour guide?
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Tony Kelly and Tina Watson were respectively known as Ghetto Tony and White Trash Tina when they attended a high school for academically gifted students years earlier because of their poor economic and social status compared to their classmates. Years later the two ex-classmates from opposite sides of life met at a high school reunion and found that they were both in the illegal drug business. Tony and Tina decided to join forces and try to boost each other’s drug influence by moving Tony’s urban oriented drugs into Tina’s rural area and Tina’s country cooked methamphetamine drugs into Tony’s city customer base. Together Big T and the Ice Queen were making more money than ever until a huge roadblock emerged in the forms of Tony’s main man Keyshawn and Tina’s 300 pound brother Jason. Keyshawn and Jason had dreams of a drug empire of their own. Would Tony and Tina survive the ruthless ambition of their most trusted confidants as they endured meth, molly and mayhem?
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Jared Johnson is shocked when he finds his mistress of three years, Kristen Wilson, under his Christmas tree on Christmas morning in the home he shares with his wife Teresa. Teresa is on her way back home after being stranded in New York because of a winter storm and Jared is trying desperately to get Kristen out before Teresa walks in, but Kristen has other ideas. Jared becomes distracted by Kristen’s actions and before he knows it Teresa is walking into the house. Jared is in for the shock of his life when he, Kristen and Teresa come face to face on a most unusual Christmas day.
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Tasha Moore, Quinton’s old high school classmate and the last woman he was with before he married Latavia posts pictures online of her with Quinton naked in bed together in Las Vegas. Quinton can’t remember anything that happened that night in Las Vegas. Quinton and Latavia face the greatest challenge in their two year old marriage as they try to figure out why Tasha suddenly reappeared and is determined to take Quinton from his fifteen years older former church pastor’s wife. Tasha threatens to release even more damaging material that would end Quinton’s professional football career and marriage unless he sleeps with her within a certain timeframe. Latavia throws down the gauntlet and dares Tasha to take her husband if she is woman enough to do it and Tasha accepts the challenge. The shocking truth behind Tasha’s pursuit of Quinton comes out in a most unexpected manner. Can Quinton and Latavia’s marriage survive the full force attack from Tasha Moore who will stop at nothing to get what she wants?
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For decades there has been this fear of an imposed surveillance state imposed by the government. Ironically we find ourselves voluntarily self reporting our activities, not to a character like Big Brother in George Orwell’s book Nineteen Eighty Four, but to massive social networking websites that the author refers to as DAD. How did individuals that once fiercely guarded their privacy agree to self report their activities for the world to see? As it turns out, we tell DAD everything.
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A paternity test proves without a doubt that Pastor Kendrick Johnson is the father of the baby born to an attractive church staff member after he swore to his wife, Tasha, that he never touched Damita Hawkins. Kendrick and Tasha face their biggest marital and career challenges yet as everything is closing in on them with the possibility of embarrassing sex videos of them being leaked after they were stolen from Kendrick’s computer by an unknown hacker. The couple was even recorded in the privacy of their bedroom by some unknown cyber stalker with an unknown agenda. Kendrick ponders stepping down to save the church embarrassment, but the biggest shock of Kendrick’s and Tasha’s life is revealed in a most surprising manner. It leaves everyone speechless because they now realize they can’t even trust their own eyes and ears any longer.
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Tamesha Green is determined to make sure that she and her child are taken care of even if it means dancing at a strip club is one of the multiple jobs she holds down to make ends meet. After her husband betrayed her in the ultimate way Tamesha divorced him and began a life as a single mother. Tamesha sacrificed a lot for Jamal because she interrupted her college education, moved away from her family and followed him to his home town. Tamesha would get pregnant by and later marry Jamal before she found out about secrets from his past and ongoing betrayals that caused her to end their marriage. Needing money fast caused Tamesha to try stripping as a way to supplement her income, but she hid her situation from her family until one of them just happened to come into the strip club on a night she was dancing and found out about her side job in a shocking fashion. Tamesha seemed to be on her way to obtaining her long delayed college degree and changing her life when her past came back to haunt her in ways she would never expect. Would the skeletons in her closet and demons from her past keep Tamesha down or would she triumph over them and build a better future for herself and her daughter?

Kevin “Massive” Monroe seemed to be on top of the world. Women flocked to him because of his special gift, but that was not always the case. Kevin Monroe was once a young man with a body image problem. Due to the unusually large size of a particular body part Kevin was ridiculed by other boys when he started playing sports in school and was given the nickname of Massive Monroe. Kevin was embarrassed and thought he had a physical defect which caused him to become shy and withdrawn. A woman unexpectedly came into Kevin’s life and convinced him that nothing was wrong with him at all, in fact, what was once a source of embarrassment became a point of pride. The woman that turned his attitude around left his life for years before suddenly returning, but she told Kevin that his future needed to be with someone else. Kevin “Massive” Monroe did things to women that other men never had before, but would that help or hurt him in his quest to find the love of his life?
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The Pastor’s Lover 2 – Unholy Triangle - Things You Can’t Tell Mama
Tasha Johnson, the wife of Reverend Kendrick Johnson, the Senior Pastor of Higher Calling Church, found her soul in turmoil after she stopped by the church offices after hours and heard a woman screaming in sexual ecstasy behind the closed door of her husband’s office. Tasha also heard her husband’s voice urging this unknown woman to give herself to him. Tasha ran from the church and eventually ended up in the arms of a most unlikely lover, but that’s not where everything ended. Kendrick, Tasha and Tasha’s secret lover all collided in the most unexpected fashion ever as Kendrick caught them in the act and he was shocked to discover the identity of his wife’s lover. Tasha was absolutely stunned when she found out who the woman was in her husband’s office screaming out in pleasure when she stopped by unexpectedly. Would Tasha and Pastor Kendrick Johnson’s marriage and church survive the shock waves caused by their unholy love triangle?
Read The Pastor’s Lover and The Prophetess Affair for more background on the characters in The Pastor’s Lover 2 – Unholy Triangle
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Tara Wilson married one of the wealthiest men in the world when she wed friendworld social media site creator Brandon Larson. Tara grew up poor and lived in a single wide mobile home off a blacktop road with her family when she was young. All of her life Tara was trying to prove that she was not poor white trash like she was called all those years ago. Tara’s efforts to prove her worth caused her to impose deep emotional pain in men that dared to love her over the years, but the cruelest blow was to be inflicted upon her. Tara was blindsided by a betrayal so cruel that it shook her to the core of her being. Would Tara deal with the ultimate betrayal by crashing and burning or rising like the mythical phoenix?
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David Morgan was in for a shock when he actually woke up dead one morning and found out it was the first time he was truly alive. David watched as his lifeless body was wheeled out of his home with his wife of thirty four years in tears, but his emotions about the situation puzzled him. David goes on an exploratory journey with a recently deceased young man and discovers what his life was really all about. David also discovers that being an immortal life force carried its own set of perils as forces far more powerful than he ever imagined hold the fate of all existence in their hands. David meets many others that had crossed over from their past human existence over the history of mankind. Together they bear witness to Judgment Day and the fate of all that inhabit the earth be they man or his life force.
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Latron Davis was finally home after serving two enlistments as a Navy SEAL and was looking forward to starting a family with his wife of eight years, Keisha. Daniel Davis was excited that his son was home. Daniel had already prepared an office for Latron at the family business where he would serve as company President and his mother Roberta was beaming with pride. Everything seemed perfect as Latron was prepared to blend back into civilian society when tragedy struck the family. What seemed like a random act of violence took Daniel Davis from his loved ones, but when the cause of his father’s death was revealed, Latron decided that he needed to take action to bring the ultimate responsible party to justice, but would he survive the effort? In his quest to right a grievous wrong, Latron is called the Hood Hero, although no one knew his true identity.
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SEND OUT AN AMBER ALARM FOR MISSING RICH HUSBANDS! Amber Watkins is at it again. After getting a taste of the good life as the sidepiece of a married professional basketball superstar, Amber decided she couldn’t resist living like a high roller once more and her ticket is again through the rich husbands of other women. This time Amber soared to new heights and took her other woman antics to an international level. Amber finally achieved what she had been craving all along, but she also discovered that the methods she used to achieve her goals came with a cost. Will Amber flourish or flounder when she is caught in a most surprising manner right in the middle of her greatest wealthy husband take down ever?
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Twenty-three year old Amber Watkins unexpectedly entered the outwardly glamorous and exciting world of being the side piece of professional basketball superstar Jamal Franklin. Amber travels the country to be available for Jamal to provide for him what he feels he’s not getting from his wife. The realities and perks of being the other woman surprised Amber and reached its pinnacle during a crazy week at the All-Star game in Las Vegas where wives, girlfriends and jumpoffs all mixed and mingled with the wives never knowing they were around. Amber’s secret life is exposed in a surprising fashion and she is even more shocked to find out how her stint as the other woman really came about. Amber has a surprise in store for someone trying to cast her aside as being a nobody when everything comes to a head. In the end who has the last laugh the wife, player or side piece?
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Tasha Williams is a beautiful, proud and confident twenty-eight year old woman who finds herself in the midst of a torrid affair with the dynamic pastor of her mother’s church. Handsome and dashing Kendrick Johnson took notice of Tasha as she sat on the front pew when visiting his church with her mother. When a random circumstance occurred that placed Tasha and Kendrick in the same place alone, he made his move. Tasha was taken by the charm, command and forbidden raw sexuality of Pastor Kendrick Johnson. Tasha and Kendrick committed acts that should have caused them to be sent straight to the gates of hell. Tasha finds herself pulled into the role of being the other woman in an affair that violated the rules of man and religion. Tasha was shocked at secrets that were revealed as she was pulled deeper in Pastor Johnson’s web of lies and deceit. Tasha committed the ultimate mistake as the other woman and fell in love with her married lover, but was shocked when his wife entered the picture in a most unexpected manner. With Kendrick Johnson on the verge of bringing his church into mega church status, Tasha stood between him, his wife and her feelings.
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Meagan Riley is the latest in a series of powerful women from the heart of New York City that have made the over two-thousand mile pilgrimage to a small rustic cabin in the middle of Montana to meet one man, Jacob Johnson. Jacob only accepts visits from these women on the recommendation of a good friend. These women came to be with Jacob for what he does to help them discover what they have been suppressing for all too long, their sexuality. Meagan is no exception and not only discovers that Jacob holds the key to unleashing the passion she has been holding inside, but he also causes her to do something she wasn’t expecting, coming to grips with her true nature. Find out what takes place inside Jacob’s cabin that has alpha females from the city coming to visit strictly on word of mouth recommendations based upon personal experiences.
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Suburban stay-at-home mom, Amy Madison and two of her friends love reading erotic fiction. They meet every Wednesday to discuss their latest selection. Amy has a personal crisis in her marriage that eventually leads her into a relationship with another man who reenacts scenes from Amy’s favorite erotic fiction book with her. Amy knows she could be endangering her marriage and family structure if she is discovered, but feels she has no other choice due to her circumstances. Amy is conducting her fantasy affair completely undetected by her family and friends. Unforeseen events cause everything to explode into the open and even more secrets than just Amy’s Mommy Porn affair are exposed. Can Amy’s marriage and family survive her adventure into a realm where erotic fiction meets harsh reality?
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Everyone has done something at one point in their lives when they think – I can’t tell mama about this. The follow up to the first in the “Things You Can’t Tell Mama” series – The Pastor’s Wife - “Things You Can’t Tell Mama” series – The Pastor’s Wife 2 – Picks up where the first book ended with Quinton telling his parents that he wants to bring Latavia Johnson the ex-wife of their former church pastor over to their house for Christmas because they are involved in a relationship. Quinton’s mother, Rose Taylor, has a gut reaction to the news that her twenty-two year old son is involved with her thirty-six year old ex pastor’s former wife and her current coworker. An explosive confrontation occurs on Christmas day between Rose and Latavia. As news of Quinton and Latavia’s relationship spreads another woman decides that she should be the one with Quinton instead of Latavia and tries to force her way between them. Can Quinton and Latavia’s unusual bond hold together as they face new personal, professional and emotional hurdles that come their way?
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T The Rainmaker is the hottest new rapper in hip hop and he is on the mind of every act in the business because they need to work on stepping up their game or get run over. Tiberius Jones burst onto the rap scene with his raw energy and lethal flow. Determined to be the realest rapper in the game he lives above a strip club that he owns in a second floor apartment. In his quest to be number one, T the Rainmaker pulls a stunt that angers one of the biggest names in rap music and leads to a deadly confrontation at an awards show that rocks the rap world to it core. While in the midst of his chaotic career a woman captures Tiberius’ interest, but can he conquer his own suspicions long enough to build a relationship? Tiberius Jones is hiding a surprise he will spring on the public that could either send him down a road of rap royalty or hip hop infamy.
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Kendra Henson is a twenty-eight year old independent professional black woman fed up and frustrated with the state of her relationships with black men. Kendra takes issue with how she and other single black women are treated on a daily basis by men that should be holding them in high esteem. Even one of her closest girlfriends disappointed Kendra with a show of disrespect related to her status as an unmarried woman. Without warning Kendra suddenly found herself the object of attention from two men that could not be more different and she could make an impulsive decision that would lose a man like one she had been seeking for years.
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The White House and nation are rocked to their cores when a sex video showing a full blown explicit sexual encounter between President Gregory Morgan and a woman named Latasha Williams is released on the internet worldwide. President Morgan has earned the dubious title as the first ever sex-tape President of the United States. President Morgan struggles to hold on to his power and position in the face of a withering barrage of criticism from all corners. First Lady Janice Morgan is under intense pressure from women worldwide to be the first wife of a sitting President to divorce him while he is in office, but she sticks by him side for reasons that only she knows. Latasha Williams faces her own backlash after selling the video and finds that her personal losses may outweigh her financial gain. Will a surprising twist that no one saw coming save Morgan’s Presidency and salvage Latasha’s personal life?
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Everyone has done something at one point in their lives when they think – I can’t tell mama about this. Twenty-three year old Ravon Prior comes home for a two week visit from Chicago and had a “Things I Can’t Tell Mama” experience with forty-four year old Quinella Jordan, the mother of his best friend. Ravon finds himself involved in a heated sexual relationship that he never imagined would ever happen. Ravon feels like he is almost addicted to Quinella and even an unexpected torrid encounter with a woman from his past doesn’t break their strange attraction. Ravon and Quinella’s secret fling is discovered in a most unexpected manner and they are forced to confront how their actions could complicate the lives of everyone involved.
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This is about gut emotions, not about the letter of the law. This is about how a man can stalk a seventeen year old teenager without any cloak of official authority because he felt he was up to no good and after an altercation the man shoots and kills the teenager and is later set free by a jury. This is about how it felt to hear a not guilty verdict of second degree murder and see George Zimmerman go free while Trayvon Martin is dead because he fought with a strange man that was following him for no apparent reason. This is about a feeling that starts in the pit of my stomach and comes from a time even before I was born.
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Everyone has done something at one point in their lives when they think – I can’t tell mama about this. College graduate Devon Jones landed his dream job with Marquetta Black Ministries and had an unbelievable “Things I Can’t Tell Mama” experience with Prophetess Marquetta Black, one of the most popular and influential televangelists in the nation. Devon finds himself trapped into a one-sided sexual relationship with the powerful evangelist and he doesn’t know how to find his way out. Devon meets another woman that he has a strong attraction to and he tries to break his bond with Marquetta. In a shocking twist everything comes to a head and Marquetta’s double life is exposed. What happens to Prophetess Black, Devon and the new woman in his life and Marquetta’s secrets are revealed.
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Everyone has done something at one point in their lives when they think – I can’t tell mama about this. Meagan had a prolonged things she can’t tell mama episode with a man named Jonathan Taboo. Due to her conservative southern upbringing, Meagan Wilkins had been living in a self-constructed prison of lines she would not cross, but Meagan realized that it may be holding her back personally, professionally and possibly caused her former husband to run into the arms of another woman. A man named Jonathan Taboo walked into her exotic underwear boutique and into her life. Mister Taboo’s mission in life is to assist individuals with breaking taboos of all types including those of a social or sexual nature. Although Jonathan Taboo is the embodiment of a man she thought she would never be with, Meagan decided that she wanted to be his newest project. Will Meagan’s new journey lead her into enlightenment or a descent into darkness?
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Things You Can’t Tell Mama – Her Blonde Best Friend (Microwave Fiction – Quick Hot Done)
Everyone has done something at one point in their lives when they think – I can’t tell mama about this. Twenty two year old Darius Johnson is home on leave from the Marines and had a huge “Things I Can’t Tell Mama” experience with her forty-two year old blonde best friend Ashley Franklin. The third in the “Things You Can’t Tell Mama” series – Her Blonde Best Friend - is the story of how a young man becomes entangled with the divorced best friend of his mother, Ashley Franklin, during his time home on leave from the Marines during the summer. Darius is not the only one trying to hide something as his mother Latisha is having a hidden relationship of her own. In the end everything explodes as all of the secrets are exposed in a shocking fashion that leaves them all shaken.
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Things You Can’t Tell Mama – Her Man Was Once Yours
Everyone has done something at one point in their lives when they think – I can’t tell mama about this. Twenty-four year old Tanesha Green comes home to visit her mother and had a massive “Things I Can’t Tell Mama” experience when she meets her mother’s new fiancé, KJ, who turns out to be the man she lived with for 3 years while she was in college. The second in the “Things You Can’t Tell Mama” series – Her Man Was Once Yours - is the story of how a young woman feels trapped by circumstances because her old lover is her mother’s new fiancé, Kevin Mason. Tanesha struggles with her feelings about Kevin and how or if she will tell her mother Jasmine about her past with Kevin. This explosive situation comes to a head with surprising results.
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Things You Can’t Tell Mama – The Pastor’s Wife
Everyone has done something at one point in their lives when they think – I can’t tell mama about this. Twenty year old Quinton Taylor is home from college and had a huge “Things I Can’t Tell Mama” experience with the wife of the church pastor that also happens to be his mother’s coworker. The first in the “Things You Can’t Tell Mama” series – The Pastor’s Wife - is the story of how a young man becomes entangled with the wife of the pastor of his mother’s church, Latavia Harper, during his time home from college during summer break. It turns out there is hidden tension in the home of Pastor Harper and Latavia uncovers a secret about her husband that blows the lid off their marriage, church and her relationship with Quinton.
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Billionaire funeral home magnate Jeffrey Masters has buried three wives and the fourth one simply vanished to never be seen again. Now he has his sights on a new woman, Jalicia Masters, a doctor with a law degree. Jeffrey goes all out to win over Jalicia, a woman twenty years younger than his age. If Jalicia succumbs to Jeffrey’s advances will they live happily ever after or will she become former wife number five. Jeffrey is hiding a dark secret that comes to light and shocks an entire nation.
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"I want to be openly gay when I grow up," Little Dillon Roberts said when asked what he wanted to be when he grew up during career day in his third grade class. The teacher, school Principal and his parents are puzzled about why this eight year old boy made that statement. News of what Dillon said spreads locally and nationally. Dillon’s words threaten to create a crisis in his small school and town. Everyone is shocked to find out why Dillon says he wants to be openly gay when he grows up.
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The United States of America is awash in guns with over 270,000,000 in the hands of private individuals. Gun violence and deaths happen at an alarming pace every day and recently, stunning acts of mass shootings have staggered the public’s sensibilities. The final straw may have been the killing of 27 people, including 20 six and seven year old students when Adam Lanza attacked Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut armed with a semiautomatic assault style rifle in December, 2012. Public outrage has led to a renewed effort to curb gun violence and part of that solution may include restrictions on certain types of guns and the amount of ammunition they can hold. Social and political forces have both drawn lines in the sand with the 2nd amendment of the Constitution and its interpretation as the grand issue. Forces of profit, politics and outrage collide as some have almost created a gun god and would do anything to protect it. Carnage Control- Surviving The Gun God separates hysteria from facts and looks into sensible solutions as a huge new battle over gun control law heats up in the United States as the President has introduced new measures to curb gun violence.
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President Barack Obama won a decisive victory in the 2012 Presidential election over his challenger Mitt Romney. The voting public spoke loudly on the direction they wanted the United States to proceed, but there seems to a political revolt taking place at the state government level. Many Republican governors and other GOP politicians decided that they would go in a different direction than the national electorate and started a political uncivil war to oppose implementing as many Obama initiatives as possible at the state level. The day after President Obama defeated Mitt Romney in the election for President of the United States, an online petition to succeed from the United States arrived at the White House from the state of Louisiana and shortly thereafter succession petitions arrived from all fifty states. While states succeeding from the union are highly unlikely, it does underscores the divide we have in the country even after a decisive election victory by President Barack Obama.
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This is a look at something that came up during the 2012 Presidential election campaign between President Obama and Mitt Romney. After Mitt Romney suddenly disavowed several recent policy positions during the first Presidential debate, President Obama called the condition Romnesia. Just how dangerous is Romnesia and what does it mean for America?
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In a moment not seen before in American Presidential politics, a candidate for a major political party in the United States was exposed on video saying it was not his job to worry about 47% of the people that paid no income taxes, believed they were owed government entitlements and took no personal responsibility for their lives. Mitt Romney, who was running for President of the United States, then said it was not his job to worry about those people. What would President Mitt Romney’s America look like?
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This is a look into the real impact that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also know as Obamacare, will have on American and Americans. It turns out that it will help many more citizens pursue what our founding fathers intended.
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Many of us are stunned and are looking around in wonder at what not only happened to our careers, but how did some industries transform themselves from what seemed like endless seas of opportunities into confined pools. If your job has disappeared or become two sizes too small, you are not alone and it was not an accident. Find out what happened and what you can do about it in, “Who Moved My Ocean – Avoid The Shrinking Job Trap.”
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Is President Barack Obama the most disrespected President in the history of the United States? Instead of debating the subject, let’s walk through a chronicle of the greatest insults, slights and falsehoods to come the way of a sitting POTUS in President Obama – Diary of Disrespect.
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One of the greatest singers of all time, Whitney Houston, departed this earthly realm on February 11, 2012. This is a series of poems to honor her memory.
We are all born and we all will die, it is what happens in between that determines how close those two events are to each other.
Four events seemed to be milestone events in the evolution of celebrity deaths and media coverage. The losses of superstars Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley underscored the fact that our superstars are not superhuman.
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Wealthy and powerful women had come of age and Annette Harper was a master of finding a need that had not been met. Mature women of means also wanted to enjoy some of the same amenities that powerful men took for granted for years, only they needed to be more discreet. Annette and her partners launched the Good Old Girls Club. The reviews were spectacular:
Featured Review #02567 5 out of 5 Stars
Young Mr. # 02567 will take a woman’s mind off her daily concerns. Refined and capable, he is a true guilty pleasure!
There are true Vulture Capitalists operating in the world and they are the partners of the vampire capitalists. Vulture capitalists thrive on the economic remains of what has been destroyed by exploitive economic activity. Just like a scavenger in nature that survives by consuming carrion left over from kills or natural death, vulture capitalists thrive on financial destruction.
: economic behavior under the umbrella of capitalism that consists of primarily financial based activities that are largely disconnected from actual capital goods creation and distribution resulting in wealth accumulation based upon economic displacement or destruction of institutional and/or individual wealth – How it destroyed America
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This is an examination of the new unemployment currently being experienced by job seekers through the eyes of someone that has been among their ranks for over one year. The goal is to alert those on the front end of joblessness for what they may face. Everything has changed from the way resumes’ are prepared to the job search itself. Even expectations on how many live interviews a job seeker will receive need to be tempered. For those already in the throes of long term unemployment, it is a checkpoint for them to see how their experiences stack up with others.
The message is that you can be unemployed but not destroyed at your core, but it requires a shift in your thought process.
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Nuclear power plants around the world marched to the front of everyone’s thoughts around the world when the 9.0 earthquake and resulting massive tsunami crippled the triple redundant cooling system at the Fukushima Dai-ich nuclear power plant located in Japan in March of 2011.
This guide provides information and locations of over 440 operating nuclear power plant reactors around the world. This number will fluctuate over time due to new reactors coming online and older units being decommissioned. Whether you are in the United States or South Africa, there are nuclear power reactors quietly at work and now you will know where they are.
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Jonathan Mumbai is a member of a species closely related to humans. Humans are classified as Homo Sapiens. Jonathan Mumbai is a member of a species known as Vampire Sapiens, a forgotten relative of man lost to history and lore. Thought to be erased from the earth, Jonathan Mumbai has been in a three-hundred year hibernation, but he is awake now.
Mumbai is on a mission to resurrect his race and plans to use the frailties‘ of humans as his vehicle to recreate a Vampire Sapien nation.
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I’m D T Pollard and I have published ten books in a variety of hard copy and eBook formats including Kindle and Nook. I have made bestsellers’ lists. Self-publishing is something that many writers think about and wonder if they can or should take that step. Some think that publishing their own work will close the doors to traditional publishing. Others believe that self publishing is only for the vain and will not be respected in any corner. Let me dispel that notion. Can a self-published book make a best sellers’ list and get garner good reviews? I won’t just tell you, I will show you.
This book will show you how to:
• Publish Kindle, Nook and other format eBooks at no cost to you
• Easily create book covers and images
• Show you how to obtain free software to use for book creation
• Tell you how to self-publish a print book without spending a fortune
• Give marketing advice on publicizing your book
• Direct you to free website resources
• Market your book worldwide via social media
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“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
Author D T Pollard solves the ages long mystery surrounding the mark of the beast, 666, from the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible. It is explained in such a blunt and straightforward manner that some readers will be stunned at the answer.
The mark is here and is being utilized daily.
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OBAMA GUILTY of BEING PRESIDENT WHILE BLACK examines how the shadows of oppressive Jim Crow laws played a role in the hate spewed towards the 44th President of the United States. The role of race and gender was front and center during the presidential campaign. How a woman was used as a human shield by the Republicans is also clearly illustrated. Barack Obama received a mandate in the general election. A few months later, it was a curious sight to witness people gathered around town hall meeting sites bearing signs depicting the President as Hitler, socialist or a tyrant. Some even carried guns and a pastor prayed that Obama would die. A Republican Congressman even called President Obama a liar on national television during his health-care speech to a joint session of Congress. There was something much deeper at play with President Obama and it centered on his race. Find out how questions about the President's birth, religion, economic policies and patriotism were all smoke screens for feelings as old as the United States itself.
The United States experienced the emergence of an economic crisis in the last quarter of 2008 that was the worst since the Great Depression. It quickly became evident that the cause of this financial meltdown was a perfect storm of multiple factors including irresponsibility, greed and lax oversight. Some hardworking citizens found themselves living in foreclosure riddled neighborhoods and tent cities that the author has labeled - TARP Towns - after the Troubled Assets Relief Program approved by Congress in October of 2008. ESSENCE bestselling author D T Pollard expresses a unique view on the economic crisis that exploded onto the scene in 2008 and describes how that financial downturn may save the United States of America from itself.
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This is a collection of samples from books by ESSENCE® bestselling author D T Pollard and is designed to allow you to get a feel for his writing and make a decision to add the complete works to your book collection.
TARP Town U S A - The Recession That Saved America
Fools' Heaven - Love, Lust and Death beyond the Pulpit
Rooftop Diva - A Novel of Triumph After Katrina - ESSENCE bestseller
Obama Guilty of Being President While Black
The Mark Unmasked -666
We Are Free - Verses From America
Michael Jackson - Poetry For The King
Vampire Sapien - Rebuild The Race
Unemployed But Not Destroyed
VULTURE CAPITALISM - Profiting From Pain
Whitney Houston - Poems For Whitney
The Good Old Girls Club
Whitney Amy Michael Elvis - Superstars are not Superhuman
This is a collection of fifteen poems dedicated to the life, talent, struggles and passing of superstar Michael Jackson. Poems in this collection are Curtain Call, The News,Young Michael, Arguments,Fame Squared,I Never Kept Track,Not So Strange, Reasons, Flesh and Blood, No Bones, On the Run,The Goodbye, Stranger at Home,Justice for Some, Screeching Wall of Hate. All poems are original compositions by ESSENCE bestselling author D T Pollard.
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WE ARE FREE - Verses From America is a collection of poems from bestselling author
D T Pollard that were written over several years. The works cover a range of the American experience and include WE ARE FREE, Survivor's Song, A New Pair of Shoes, The Apple Tree War and Snuff Dipping Woman among others.
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What happens when lust, depravity, and ego make themselves known in a setting of utmost venerability?
Born to two poor rural high school dropouts, Mike Robertson is a young white man called to preach at an early age. Janice Johnson, a young black woman four years older than Mike, is drawn to this teenage tent preacher. As husband and wife, they leave their modest origins behind and rise to lead a megachurch empire in Dallas, Texas.
The journey from obscurity to religious superstardom is fraught with many challenges, including racial discrimination, drugs, deception, moral depravity, sexual assault, and a murder attempt—all in the name of religion.
Spanning more than fifty years, this engaging novel focuses on this determined interracial couple who learn that life can take them from the humblest beginnings to the highest of heights, even as they struggle to maintain their perspectives.
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ESSENCE Bestseller
…she was called the rooftop diva by the man that saved her, but she never knew his name. She must have passed out because the next time her eyes opened she was surrounded by a throng of people at an aid station. A kind lady gave her a cold bottle of water and then reality started to settle in that all she owned was clinging to her in the form of the clothing she wore.
“Has anyone seen my grandmother Martha Devareaux?” she inquired and all that met her was a blank stare and a shake of the head for no.
Deep down inside her mind, she knew that her grandmother was floating in the water that swamped their house. It came in so quickly. By the time Monique realized what was happening it was up to her neck. She called for her grandmother, but at eighty years old and wheelchair bound, there was little chance that she survived. Not only was she homeless and destitute, she was also alone.
Could Monique rebuild her life in a new city while encountering wealth, love, violence and betrayal along a twenty year journey after Hurricane Katrina?
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